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037 Thursday, January 22, 2009
A new day has arrived.~ We have inaugurated our 44th president and with that has come fresh hope and inspiration for much of the country.~ Many of us have different perceptions about yesterday.~ The main feeling that seemed to run throughout though is one of “what can I do.”~~ Americans are empowered and know that each individual’s contribution to the good of all, no matter how large or small, makes a real difference.

So in this dawning of hope and involvement, I invite you to become involved … to make a real difference for your community and thus the country.~ How?

Town government is made up of over 100 volunteers.~ Without those volunteers much of the work would not get done.~ Our many boards, commissions, task forces, committees, and work groups rely on the expertise and dedication of our community members to address issues such as zoning and planning, conservation, elderly tax relief, finance, education, and youth services.~ We have openings on those boards.~ The Commission on Aging, Parks & Recreation, Economic Development, Zoning Board of Appeals, and many more can use members and/or alternates.~ Most boards meet once a month, however there are a few that meet quarterly or twice a month and some that meet as needed.~ Available positions change as volunteers are found to fill a position or go on to new things, so when you fill out the application please consider whether you might be interested in another position other than the one for which you are applying – and complete that section on the back of the application!~ Check our website ( or call my office at 537-7220 for updates on opportunities and/or an application.

Not interested in one of the above?~ How about volunteering at the Food Bank?~ Like to write or do research?~ My office can use a volunteer for a few hours a week.~ Interested in youth in the community?~ Youth Services is building a coalition to address the issue of drugs and alcohol as they relate to our children.~ Through this coalition we can receive state and federal grants to help with this work.~ We need a broad representation of Colchester to help – parents, businesses, mental health providers, physicians are just a few.~ And we have more!~ Become involved in the Fire Department’s strategic planning process which has just begun their initial steps … or our Local Emergency Preparedness Council which will have its first meeting in March.~ We’re looking for a retired person who has a passion for our downtown area and some time to help put together a Main Street Coalition.~ Anyone have graphics experience to help us put together a couple of brochures?~ Do you have computer software knowledge to help design and create forms for our website?

Not interested in government?~ Colchester is lucky to have many, many community organizations run by volunteers – Scouts, sports, community theater, places of worship groups, environmental.~

I also realize that not everyone wants to make a commitment to a committee or group, but we can do things as individuals too.~ One woman I know picks up trash on her morning walks; another stops to visit two elderly residents on hers – just brief stops to say hi and wish them well for the day.~ Come to a board meeting, write a letter, let your elected officials know what’s important to you.~ In recent weeks, neighbors are helping neighbors shovel out.~ I watched a young boy walking by a neighbor’s house help her in with her groceries.~ Not too long ago I met a woman in Town Hall who brings in a $10 food gift certificate every month.~ She apologized because it was “so little.”~ Nothing is too little – every single act of kindness makes a difference to someone.~ Think about it – the last time someone did something nice for you or you succeeded in your volunteer work did you smile a little longer?~ Feel a little happier?~ Do something nice for someone else?~ Did it make a difference in your world?~

We all make a difference.~ It’s up to you what kind of difference you want to make.~ Together we make Colchester what it is – a wonderful place to live.

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